domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013


It is a diagnostic dynamic and structures process that it allows to detect and to quantify the problems, needs, and capacities of the elder in the clinical spheres, functional, mental and social, to elaborate stocks on they a strategy to interdiscipline of intervention, treatment and long-term follow-up in order to optimize the resources and of achieving the major degree of independence and quality of life.

This quadruple valuation serves to discover not opposing problems, to improve the functional condition, to improve the quality of life, to establish a treatment also quadruple… etc.

The best means for a correct valuation  is: the anamnesis and the physical exploration

In every sphere a few different scales are used.

I am not going to name all, only that under my point of view I see more important.

In the functional area: Barthel scale and Lawton and Brody. 

Cognitive sphere: Short portable mental status questionaire of pfeiffer, MMSE Folstein, Clock test, and miniexam cognoscitive os Lobo that is the spanish versión of Folstein.
Social Spere: ORS scale and Zarit Scale. And Finally Geriatric depression scale of Yesavage.

It seems very important to the realization of a good review in order to detect problems in the elderly, and put measures to solve them

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