domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013


To achieve a continuity of taken care, there is essential the detection of the problems that arise throughout the time and that are operated on them. For it it is necessary to transform the traditional assistance into geriatric specialized assistance with his different welfare levels, where the patient will be located in the most suitable place according to his condition. With these welfare specialized levels, the results of the Geriatrics are maximum.

The elders need of an equipment to interdiscipline that it supports his assistance: nurses, doctors, social workers, therapists, psychologists..

Geriatric unit of sharp is the welfare level related to the hospitalization of those major persons who present sharp processes or reagudizaciones of chronic diseases.

The Unit of Half A Stay receives those already diagnosed patients who have overcome the sharp phase of the disease and in that the risk of losing his independence, though they are clinical stable, is high, or, the treatment that applies them, due to his complexity, cannot be realized of ambulatory form.

The Day hospital attends to elders of ambulatory form by means of the application of treatments of rehabilitation and / or follow-up of medical problems or of nursing.

The Geriatric domiciliary assistance is the integral assistance to the major person in his domicile with the aim that it is kept in the community and in his environment in the best bill of health and of possible functionality, though he suffers chronic diseases and of invalidity.

It is important that every patient comes to the center that corresponds to him not to saturate the hospitals of Sharp.


Though some persons think that the education only is for the children, because they are beginning, forming and learning. The elders also need education. Education to be able endure and to extend like his quality of life and well-being.

It is important that they support his independence, because this provides quality of life and health.

Also the identification of the disabilities is important, and this way to be able to put solution in time.

Promotion of health:
It is a process by means of which the persons, families and communities manage to improve his level of health on having assumed a major control on yes same. There are included the actions of education, prevention and promotion of health, where the population acts coordinated in favor of policies, systems and healthy ways of life, by means of the law,  and construction of a system of social support that allows him to live healthier.

The promotion of the health includes a series of controls that have to be carried out in the consultation of the center of health or in the hospital to anticipate diseases and risks.

These are: capture of the arterial pressure, control of lipids, electrocardiogram, densitometria bony, capillary Glycemia, Examination of the mental and mental condition, TSH, blood conceals in dregs, mamography, cytology, colonoscopia, PSA, valuation of eyes and ears, vitamin B12.

Since I have said in other income, the prevention is a work of the professional of nursing, and is an act that avoids dead many people.


The urinary system consist of two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, and the urethra. The urinary system supports homeostasis by eliminating wastes and excessive fluid from the body.

The kidneys decrease in size from approximately 400 g at age 40 to only 250 g by age 80. By age 70, they lose approximately one-third of their efficiency and they lack functional reserve. Others changes are decreased number of functional nephrons, decreased blood supply, decreased muscle tone…etc.

One of common disorders seen in the aging is urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine, isn`t a routine or normal occurrence with aging. The urinary incontinence is when urine is lost involuntarily and objective, and may occur as a result of psysiologic changes, or other medical problems.

The incontinent person suffers, because she is worried all day, for if her urinate on herself, urine going to smell…

The highest prevalence was found in those units where the stay is greater, particularly in residential institutions5.

Epidemiological studies show that IUE is the most common symptom of IU referred4.

Is produced with major frequency in woman4. And more frequent incontinence is incontinence due to detrusor instability

Is the acute and chronic urinary incontinence. The acute incontinence is transitory and sudden onset, and  Within the chronic there are various types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow incontinence, functional incontinence, total incontinence…

Stress incontinence is most commonly observed in woman, particularly those who have weakened perineal muscles resulting from aging and childbearing.

I wanted to provide this information, because as women are most affected by this pathology, for which of the incontinence was also the most common in them.

When a patient comes to the emergency department with this pathology or consultation, the valuation is very important to find out by asking questions type of incontinence you have, and also write down all your data. Emphasize the importance of writing the pharmacological history.

Treatment depends on the type of problem you have and what best fits your lifestyle. It may include simple exercises, medicines, special devices or procedures prescribed by your doctor or surgery1.

Some general measures found in books and studies advise:

Measures to reduce constipation, change in the type of clothes to use (comfortable and easy openings) or modification of those medications that affect continence may also be beneficial measures.6
There is a proven association between smoking and IU7, perhaps due to increased abdominal pressure in chronic smokers.

 Facilitate access to the bathroom avoiding physical barriers and have domestic substitutes (urinals, sanitary wedges, etc.) or some adaptation. This is especially important in patients with IUU or IUM fundamentally if they have limited mobility (elderly).

An acceptable treatment in overweight women is weight reduction. Today it is considered as an effective preventive measure to avoid the overhead of maintaining pelvic floor adecuado7 weight.

An abundant fluid intake, especially in the hours before the night's rest, is related to a greater number of episodes of UTI. Narrow this intake from snack and reduce exciting substance use (alcohol, coffee, tea) can have effects

Search other items, has helped me learn about other measures, and data very curious, but I also have noticed that there is data that match.

Finally, I would like to say, the UI is obviously not a life-threatening process, but significantly impairs the quality of life of patients, limiting their autonomy and self-esteem reduces3.


1. Medline. Incontinencia Urinaria. Medline Plus. [Revisado el 20 de abril del 2013]. Disponible en:
2. Incontinencia urinaria. Clinica Universidad de Navarra. [Revisado el 15 de abril del 2013]. Disponible en:
3. Espuña Pons M. Incontinencia de orina en la mujer. Med Clin (Barc) 2003; 120: 464-472
4. Robles, J.E. Urinary Incontinence. Anales. [Revisado el 16 de mayo del 2013]. Disponible en:
5. Rexach Cano L, Verdejo Bravo C. Incontinencia urinaria. Inf Ter Sist Nac Salud 1999; 23: 149-159.
6. Sampselle CM, Palmer MH, Boyington AR, O´Dell KK, Wooldridge L. Prevention of Urinary Incontinence in Adults: Population-Based Strategies. Nursing Research 2004; 53 (Supl. 6): S61-S67. 
7. Hannestad YS, Rortveit G, Daltveit AK, Hunskaar S. Are smoking and other lifestyle factors associated with female urinary incontinence? The Norwegian EPINCONT Study. BJOG 2003; 110: 247-254.


When I hear the word palliative, I come me to the head many things.  I believe that palliative it is not to recover, it is to relieve. It is a term that much is in use in the field of the oncology, for taken care to terminal patients. When these patients are in his terminal phase, receive taken care palliative to relieve the suffering and to improve in possible the quality of life the time that they still have.

There are taken cares that are used in oncology patients, but also in other pathologies in terminal phase. Any patient that this dying and need to relieve the pain that this provoking his disease, it can request taken care palliative.

I believe that there would have to be in every hospital a unit of taken care palliative, to be able to help all the persons to have pain. Worse unfortunately this is not like that.

More than the half of the persons who die a year in Spain needs taken care palliative at the end of his life, but not they all receive the specialized attention that they need. According to the last information of the Spanish Company of Elegant Palliative (SECPAL), nowadays there are approximately 400 specialized equipments but 700 would need.

The palliative care would have to carry out, not only in the terminal stage, but very much before, to avoid all the possible suffering.

In these units there are people specialist in the treatment of these persons in his last days. In the agony that they suffer last days. In the support family. Very important point. For many persons, his family is his great support. And they need that they are with them until the end.

The family situation is characterized by a great emotional impact. The patient's family is sad by the end of your loved one. But at the same time, they want to appear strong in front of him, to help.

The personal health has to face the fears of the family.

In my opinion, many times, the family needs more psychological support, that the patient, because of all the care required by the patient.

To conclude I want to say, that the patients are afraid of dying alone, and the major tranquillity that you can give them, is to say to him that in his last minutes that I and his family are going to be with him. Also it is important to expire all his final wills.

Finally, I would put a video. When I have seen, I have felt sadness, but also show the coping of families and patients. URL:


1. Gandara, A. Cuidados Paliativos. Sociedad Escañola de Cuidados Paliativos. [Revisado el 11 de mayo de 2013]. Disponible en:


Constipation means that a person has three or fewer bowel movements in a week. The stool can be hard and dry. Sometimes it is painful to pass. At one time or another, almost everyone gets constipated. In most cases, it lasts a short time and is not serious.1

Constipation is a condition that happens a lot in the elderly for many reasons. Reasons mechanical, metabolic, endocrine, neurological, functional or pharmacological.

Constipation occurs more in women, like other geriatric syndromes such as falls

Is an adverse effect of many drugs, and the consequence of many diseases. Also it is sometimes a symptom of something in our body is wrong

The main complication of constipation are the fecal impaction.

I think the best way to prevent constipation is healthy living, eating fruits and vegetables, take fiber, white bread, etc..

In addition to drink 1-2 liters of water a day, and doing exercise. Don`t be sedentary.

But according to this study: Recommendations on treatment of costipation included an increase in dietary fiber of up to 25-30 g/day (grade C). No evidence was found to recommend measures such as exercise, increased water intake, or frequent visits to the toilet.2

I disagree with this study, because the lead active, improves intestinal transit.

Instead, this study discusses the benefits of fiber and that if it is good for constipation.


1. Medline. Constipation. Medline Plus.

2. Max Schmulson Wasserman, Carlos Francisconi, Kevin Olden, Luis Aguilar Paíz, Luis Bustos-Fernández, Henry Cohen, Maria do Carmo Passos, Marina Alejandra González-Martínez, Beatriz Iade, Guido Iantorno. Consenso Latinoamericano de Estreñimiento Crónico Gastroenterología y Hepatología, Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 59-74


A fall is defined as an event which results in a person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower level. Fall-related injuries may be fatal or non-fatal1 though most are non-fatal3

The falls are very related with the loss of mobility in the elderly.
Also influences the changes in the musculoskeletal system.

The main physical and psychological consequence of the falls is the post fall syndrome.

The post-fall syndrome leads to isolation

According to a study, the falls are a frequent occurrence among the elderly (13-25% over 65 years, 31-35% over 85 years). The falls are more common in institutionalized elderly (up to 50%), and especially in the women until 75 years. With 75 years, the frequency is the same for both sexes1.

·         Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide.
·         Each year an estimated 424 000 individuals die from falls globally of which over 80% are in low- and middle-income countries.
·         Adults older than 65 suffer the greatest number of fatal falls.

I think that is more common in women because osteoporosis has higher incidence in women and begin with menopause.
The institutionalized elderly have more falls because they don’t know the psysical environment, and their admission is produced by physical problems that entail taking drug.

The elderly has more fear to the falls, so they feel insecurity. This situation has that they are cautious. Consequently they walk slowly, and avoid stairs and bath. As I have named before, the elderly are isolated due to fear

The most important is that the elderly know their limitations and they act accordingly.

I see important to the prevention of falls, because most are preventable, leave here the link to this video2:

Also, I would like to say that in the prevention of falls has a very important role nurses because we can give advice and help to prevent falls.

The comorbidity of falls prevention leads to environmental factors or the environment, and those specific to the elderly. So I think it's very important to carry out a primary prevention, secondary and terciary.

It is good that the elderly have a little fear, before of daring to do things and to fall.

There are places where there is more danger of falling, the most dangerous place in the house is the bathroom. And in the street, the stairs, the field... etc

Based on scares the elderly see their chances

Finally, The fall risk assessment should be performed in the framework of GERIATRIC ASSESSMENT GLOBAL, focusing specifically on the assessment of gait and balance. By the following scales: TINETI and TIME-UP AND GO.

And other scale for valuate to fall risk is the DOWNTON scale.


  1. Marnet. Las caidas en los ancianos. Kioskea Salud. [Revisado el: 10 de mayo del 2013]. Disponible en:
  2. OMS. Falls. World health organization. [Revisado el: 1 de mayo de 2013]. Disponible en:


Dementia is defined as an acquired syndrome of impaired intellectual, emotional, volitional and persistent behavior that compromises the function of multiple spheres of mental activity such as memory, language, visuo spatial skills, warmth, personality or cognition. It implies a decline over the patient's premorbid functional level. It leads to a progressive global deterioration, personal and social1.

As the doctor Castro, Alberdi, and Marey, Dementia Alzheimer's type (DAT) is the most common type of dementia (70% of dementias) and has a prevalence of approximately 6% in people over 70 years in our country (GPC Dementia NHS, 2010). In Spain there should be about half a million people who suffer from this process1.

I would like talk about Alzheimer, because is the most common type of dementia.

Alzheimer's is a form of dementia that gradually gets worse over time and affects memory, thinking and behavior2.

I enclose a link to a video about Alzheimer:

Alzheimer is one disease asociated to process of aging, affects people younger than age 653. I found on another page of evidence that Alzheimer's cases having less than 60 years. These are linked to alterations in the genes APP, PS1 and PS21.

Nearly 4 percent of the more than 5 million Americans with Alzheimer’s have younger-onset3

By contrast, according to data CEAFA, the Spanish Confederation of Alzheimer, in Spain 60% of people with Alzheimer's are still undiagnosed, often due to lack of information from families who think memory leaks are a normal part of aging.

In my opinion, Alzheimer' disease isn’t only a medical problem, also is a familiar and social problem. Because disease affects to patient, but your family also is affected.
The nurses have that explain the symptoms to the family, so that if they detect the symptoms, come to the doctor, and may have an early diagnosis.

I would also like to say that among the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, apathy is the most prevalent according to study Alzheimer Foundation TRACA Spain (FAE), realiced in 1200 caregivers, which showed that apathy affects 99 percent of patiens.
I think it's because as patients do not remember things, they don`t know what they like, sometimes people do not know their environment, then they feel sad and apathetic. This situation produced them frustration and they are lost.

Finally, I will provide link entity in which you can see how the brain works and how Alzheimer's affects it. There are 16 interactive slides. As you view each slide, roll your mouse over any colored text to highlight special features of each image. Then, click on the arrow to move to the next slide.


1. Castro, C. Alberdi, J. Marey, J. Demencia tipo Alzheimer. Fisterra. [Revisado el 3 de mayo del 2013]. Disponible en:

2. Medline. Mal de Alzheimer. Medline Plus. [Revisado el 14 de mayo del 2013]. Disponible en:

3.Alzheimer`s Association. Younger/Early Onset Alzheimer's & Dementia. [Revisado el 25 de abril del 2013. Disponible en: